Thursday, October 25, 2018

Week 6: So You Want to Be an Entrepreneur?

Make your sixth journal entry/blog post this week. Reflect upon the things that you are learning and experiencing so far in this course. What are you looking forward to learning and experiencing? What did you learn from the readings and videos this week?

I loved the talk by N. Eldon Tanner, "Success Is Gauged by Self-Mastery." He quoted Plato, Solomon, and DaVinci. I love when apostles, etc. quote "the masters" and not just other figures in the gospel. Truth is truth. Lately, self-mastery has been a particular focus of mine. President Nelson gave a talk in 1985 entitled "Self-Mastery" and I've been studying it and working on the principles he spoke of during that talk over the past few weeks. DaVinci's words, in particular, really spoke to me, so I'll include it as I would read it to myself:
You will never have a greater or lesser dominion than that over yourself... the height of a [wo]man's success is gauged by [her] self-mastery; the depth of [her] failure by [her] self-abandonment... And this law is the expression of eternal justice. [S]he who cannot establish dominion over [her]self will have no dominion over others.
I have made sacred covenants in holy places with my Father in Heaven. DaVinci's words really made me reflect upon those covenants. Self discipline, self-mastery, dominion over self... all of these terms or phrases mean more than just picking up some good habits that will allow me to have more energy, have a cleaner home, make more money, etc. I need to rise above the natural woman if I'm to have any hope to receive the blessings that have been promised to me. Becoming the right kind of self-controlled woman at home, in private, in all of my affairs will serve me well now and in the eternities. Being a self-mastered woman will allow me to reach my full potential, to find and fulfill my calling, and to be even more happy.

In "So You Want to Be an Entrepreneur?" I learned more about the types of knowledge that I should acquire to have a better shot at success. I was super impressed that I was given tips on how to acquire Industry Knowledge. I really didn't expect to read anything that was very specific, and I feel like I did get that. Finding work with a venture capitalist, though rare and hard to land, is the best and quickest way to gain industry knowledge. This is followed by working in banks, insurance companies, and acquisitive companies. Though consulting companies can offer great industry knowledge, there is less varied exposure and lots of time required in one consult. Lastly, jobs in sales and operations in an industry can yield great knowledge if I'm willing to do good work, ask lots of intelligent questions, and keep my eyes and ears peeled. I'd need to make great connections with people too, which is true in any case. I'm really looking forward to learning more specific types of advice as this course, and subsequent courses in this journey. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Week 5: A Hero's Journey & My Reflections

Reflect upon the things that you are learning and experiencing so far in this course. What are you looking forward to learning and experiencing? What did you learn from the readings and videos this week? 
Be sure to comment on the key takeaways from the 22-minute video "A Hero's Journey" in this journal entry.

As I've been reading and studying this week, I've been impressed by how very important it is for me to use the spiritual gifts I've been given, to develop them so they aren't lost or weak. It's also been impressed upon my mind and heart to seek for certain necessary gifts of the spirit that are yet to be mine. 

In reading "Are Successful Entrepreneurs Born or Made: Is the Secret to Success: Skill, Character, or Luck?" it was confirmed to me that everyone is born with the power to succeed at whatever they are drawn to or wherever they find themselves. It's what we do with that power that makes all the difference. Drawing on spiritual gifts enhances the power to succeed. If I don't have a necessary spiritual gift or talent to do well, I have every right to seek that gift of the spirit. It can grow and develop within me so long as I work at it prayerfully and faithfully. I read that Calvin Coolidge once said, "Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race." I really think he was on to something. By replacing "persistence and determination" with "faith and endurance" I feel more confident with the sentiment.

My key takeaways from the video "A Hero's Journey":
  1. I have a mission in life, and it will succeed beyond my wildest dreams IF I have faith and courage, and I choose to ACT. This process of acting with faith and courage will change me into a creature that right now only the good Lord can fully understand. I am excited and invigorated by this truth.
  2. I need to become world-class at something! I need to seek the observations of others in determining what my specific excellence in this life really is. By seeking these observations from those who know me, I will be able to see myself--my abilities, strengths, talents, and gifts in new light. This light will be immensely valuable in figuring out what I can, ought, and need to do with my life.
  3. There is great power in finding someone in my life for whom I'm truly grateful, but have yet to thank. I am to write a one-page letter to this person, find them, and read it to them in person. Talk about vulnerability! But this charge to express gratitude in this manner is humbling and lovely too. I am considering my life, the people who have come and go within it, and pondering on the gratitude I've yet to express. 

Friday, October 12, 2018

Week 4: Deconstructing FEARS!

I finished reading Launching Leaders by Steven A. Hitz this week. I learned the importance and value of great mentors in our life's journeys, especially in entrepreneurship. 

I found the exercise of creating/identifying my Core Values to be more enlightening than expected. Though my assignments aren't exactly easy, I'm looking forward to more enlightening exercises. I think this is really good for me. 
My top Core Value was POISE. This is from my work on that...
My highest-ranking Core Value is to be a Poised Woman. To be poised is to always behave in a composed and self-assured manner, always tempering or bridling any unkind word or thought, choosing to act gracefully and tactfully, and never to be acted upon or give away control of my will or actions. I will maintain poise and confidence by choosing virtuous and lovely words, thoughts, actions, and endeavors, and ever choosing to act and not to be acted upon. Being a poised woman is in harmony with the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 2 Nephi 2:26 has helped teach me that I have been redeemed from The Fall by a loving Savior, Jesus Christ. The redemption has given me the freedom to choose good over evil, to act and not be acted upon. The thirteenth Article of Faith teaches me that as a faithful Latter-day Saint woman, I do need to seek after that which is virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy.

The Q's & A's from my worksheet...

1. If you pursue your calling with discipline, intentionality, and the help of fellow travelers, what are the chances that your worst case scenario will really happen?

The chances are truly 50/50. They either will or they won't. It sounds like a cop out answer, and it sort of is, but hear me out. IF discipline, intentionality (is this even a real word?), and the help of fellow travelers were 100% sure things, then my worst fears would be completely unfounded. But the reality is that I am my own worst enemy. Discipline and I don't always go hand in hand. I have a road behind me absolutely knee-deep in grand intentions, but I'm not where I'd like to be just yet. My fears aren't exactly irrational. (Isn't there a saying about good intentions and a road to Hades being paved with them?)

2. As you look at your list of fears, what themes emerge? What is at the core of what you really fear? Financial ruin? The judgment or disapproval of others? Physical harm? Endangering the ones you love? Embarrassment?

It seems to me that should my fears come true, they'll confirm that nasty little voice inside that tells me I am a failure, that I never could do it, and that I was foolish to try. I want Danny to be proud of me for what I can do.

3. What is the risk of taking no action – not following your calling? How do you plan to deal with fear when it pops up on your entrepreneurial journey?

The risk of taking no action is minute, except that I will feel like the confirmation is here: I failed because I didn't even really try. I plan to go to my knees in prayer when I feel fear. Every day I pray for guidance, strength, and miracles regarding these very real fears. I will go to my husband and mentors for assurance, guidance, and TLC if and when it's needed.

(Mose Schrute personifies all fear.)

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Week 3-Ethics, Life Plan, Code of Conduct

Reflect upon the things that you are learning and experiencing so far in this course. What are you looking forward to learning and experiencing? What did you learn from the readings and videos this week?

I'm looking forward to learning how to figure out or nail down exactly what it is that I want to do with my professional life. I have a really great idea of where I want to go, how far I want to go, etc., but I'm still in the 90's for my percentage points of certainty. 

I didn't give a whole lot of thought to the ins and outs of what this class would teach me or require of me... I think I was too busy to stop and ponder on it, really. It is a required class for my major, so I enrolled. I'm enjoying the exercises required in my B183 class though. This week, we created our Life Plans/Personal Codes of Conduct. I really appreciated being able to create this statement/plan/code. It's not as if I wasn't capable or permitted to create it up until this point, but it never really occurred to me to put it into writing. These are things that have always been in my heart, mind, and being, but there was something extra special about typing them out. They're concrete. They are visible. There is accountability in creating my Life Plan: Personal Codes of Conduct.

I will NEVER…
·         Bully someone or deceive someone into making a choice or risk for my gain.
·         Put my professional endeavors above respecting, loving, and caring for my husband.
·         Disregard my covenants made in the waters of baptism or in the holy temple.
·         Try so hard to bury my emotions that I seem callous, cold, or unkind.

I will ALWAYS…
·         Do my best to live by The Golden Rule.
·         Do my best to keep proper priorities in place: God first; family second; career third.
·         Do my best to remember that I have been a leader and mentor for young women… They still watch me.
          Do my best to view business, education, life, and the world through the lens of the gospel rather than examining or living the gospel though the lens of business, education, life, or the world.

This week I learned more from Jim Richie about "The Formula and Happiness." He combined teachings from his mission president, David B. Haight and J. Paul Getty:

  1. Get your education/training.
  2. Make your mark. Be good/great/best at something.
  3. Prepare to serve/give back.
  1. Get up early.
  2. Work HARD.
  3. Find oil (product, idea, skill set...)
Together, the formula looks like this...
  1. Get up early.
  2. Work HARD.
  3. Get your education/training.
  4. Find oil (product, idea, skill set...)
  5. Make your mark. Be good/great/best at something.
  6. Prepare to serve/give back.

I know that if I put these six directives into practice, I can succeed in life. This is powerful information.